Saturday, May 28, 2011

Brick by Brick -another week

Sometimes four day weeks can seem long or a bit jam packed and this one certainly did.  I also feel like I need to read again the book, Never Work Harder Than Your Students.  I seemed to spend a great deal of time marking and reading. And I still don't have field trips organized that need to be organized.   I can't say 29 Science chapter reviews are the most exciting reading.  I do feel as if I have been very diligent tackling science experiments this term.  My students enjoy them more than I do, fortunately, and they are acquiring some good group skills and learning how to write up experiments rather well.  Plus by having them working in groups of three or four at least I only have eight experiments to check over.  Somewhere I read that collaboration creates better science so I figure I am doing okay.
 We also finished up our unit on cyber bullying.  After a shaky start when we wondered if we would have to change a group,  this unit turned out really well and the kids did very thoughtful reflections.  It's so nice to do co-teach a unit!  And great  when other people design the unit

The big excitement this week probably was the Me to We Assembly when this dedicated group of sixth and seventh graders presented a check for 8500 dollars to Alicia Doo from the Free the Children organization.  The club chose the project to build a school in India brick by brick last year and reached their goal a couple of weeks ago.  The assembly was lovely.  The assembly was totally ran by students and the emcees did a great job using a prezi created by our Sadie.  This prezi is great and tells the whole history of the project.  Jane has also done a wonderful job on her blog as well. 
  Some of the primary teachers were saying it was the best assembly they had ever attended and they were really curious about prezis, as this was their first viewing.  It was also great to have some of the people who had made generous donations there as well.  Kudos especially to Alanna Wong, our teacher librarian, who has been the driving force behind this organization in our school.  The kids in this organization gain such great skills, learning how to effectively fund raise for one thing.  I also love how some of our students put their language skills to good affect by being guests on a Punjabi language radio station and describing the project there.  And imagine as a seventh grader presenting a project to the local Rotary club!?
I have to say it was a bit disappointing not having anyone from our central office able to attend this wonderful event. I guess there were important meetings but they really missed seeing what a group of elementary students in a small east side school can do. 
Next on the agenda, Bike to Work week, and the Young Writers' Festival.  Stay tuned...

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