Saturday, April 5, 2008

Technological Difficulties and Poetry and Oral Language

I am behind in my blogging partly due to technological struggles. During Spring Break I decided to take a break from blogging and then the problems began. Let's see-I had to replace my computer's logic board (thank goodness for extended warranties) and then I have had internet problems at home. Somehow blogging isn't something I seem to be able to do at work, but I am back and feeling in need of poetry-and all those daffodils have been known to inspire...

I think we all can use a poem so here is the poem of the week. This blog can link you to more great sites such as the Academy of Poets where you can access all sorts of poetry or receive a poem in your e-mail everyday. Gladstone will be hosting a poetry cafe in the library on April 24th and 25th. So let's all celebrate April with lots of poetry! There really is no better way to celebrate oral language. Not only is Gladstone hosting poetry, lots of schools and even the district are celebrating our young writers. All of Mackenzie's students participated in a writers' festival before the break. Grandview has a writers' cafe scheduled for the afternoon of April 16th. There is a district young writers' festival taking place this Tuesday at the Roundhouse Community Centre. That's just a sample, and of course you can go listen and be inspired by David Ward at Waverley after school on Thursday.

And speaking of oral language. Jodi Carson and Carol O'Malley have a great workshop planned entitled Beyond the Oral Presentation after school on April 22.

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